So in the spirit of being incredibly original I decided to let all you guys out in the virtual world know what is going on in the typical SWU baseball player's life - break, break, break. Enough said.
There's not a whole lot going on right now since we're on break. After the series against AUM this weekend, this time has been an amazing hiatus to regroup and rest. Those of you who came out to support us against the number 14 ranked team in the nation, hats off to you. We really appreciate your fanship (I don't think that's really a word but I'm over it). It's awesome to hear a crowd erupt when we score or when Kody and Dustin roll a pair up the middle (that's baseball lingo for a double play).
Just so you know, Guy Howard pitched an incredible game Friday night. If you haven't read the write-up, make sure to do so here.
Props to Coach G for hacking away at his Photoshop Elements. He's starting to get the hang of things and making his article pictures really pop.